João Batista Lira Rodrigues Jr.
Main Areas
Aeronautics, Consummer, Litigation, International and Labor;
Professional Experience
Master on International Law. His main activity is focused on litigation before Superior Courts, with expertise on Embassies, International Organizations and Sovereign States. João Batista has a Master Degree on International Law. He is a Full Professor of Public and Private International Law with UNICEUB, in addition to being a Professor with Escola Superior de Guerra (the Brazilian equivalent to the US West Point). João Batista has been part of several road shows to increase investments in Brazil, all of them on behalf of the Brazilian Government. He is member of several associations, including the International Relations Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association/Federal District Chapter (OAB/DF), American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) and CESA (Study Center of Law Firms). Due to his work, João Batista has been awarded with several prizes and medals, including the title of Knight of the Italian Republic and the Peacekeeper Medal, the highest condecoration granted to a civilian during peace time by the Brazilian Army.
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Djenane L. Coutinho
Main Areas
Administrative, Litigation, Infrastructure and Corporate Law;
Professional Background
Postgraduation Degree in Business Law from Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). Work on several bidding processes, administrative agreements (including before international bodies), in proceedings related to infrastructure and agreements in the port and airport areas. She has worked in administrative and legal proceedings related to all aforementioned matters, and has worked in Corporate Law, especially in M&A processes and corporate restructuring/reorganization.
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Marcony Francisco Maciel
Felipe Aguiar Costa Luz
Principais Áreas
Trabalhista, Administrativo e Contencioso;
Experiência Profissional
Pós-Graduando em Direito do Trabalho no Instituto Brasiliense de Direito Público – IDP. Sua atuação é voltada para o contencioso e consultivo trabalhista.
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Marina Bertucci Ferreira
Principais Áreas
Societário, Antitruste, Contencioso e Legislativo;
Experiência Profissional
Graduada em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Brasília. Sua atuação é focada no contencioso. Realizou acompanhamento do julgamento da Ação Penal 470, o “Mensalão”, o que rendeu uma dezena de artigos para o Blog do Noblat.
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Natália Montenegro Bugarin
Principais Áreas
Contencioso, Administrativo e Legislativo;
Experiência Profissional
Graduada em Direito pelo UNICEUB e graduanda em Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Natália tem sua atuação focada nos aspectos jurídicos junto ao Poder Legislativo e nos contratos com a Administração Pública.
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